KRYSTYNA PRZYBYTKO – FABIJANSKA 1973 From the catalogue: Andrzej Jan Piwarski – Gallery Eternelle – STOCKHOLM

Andrzej Jan Piwarski comes from the family of the distinguished artistic tradition beginning in XIX century. Born in Warsaw 1938, graduated from the High School of Fine Arts at Gdansk I 1966 under the guidance of Professor Stanislaw Teisseyre and Professor Jacek Zulawski.
Andrzej Jan Piwarski belongs to the young generation of these ambitious painters who realizing their individual artistic programme oppose the seasonal demands of mode in painting. The starting point of Piwarski´s painting is the active as well as emotional attitude towards the nature. His painting expresses creative and subjective interpretation of his visual impressions. He can unmistakably find out the colour and gradation, the atmosphere of the light and the character of the place not being subjected to naturalistic mannerism. He looks at world in a fresh, unconventional and deeply personal way.
The most frequent motive of his paintings is an urban landscape. Fascinated by a specific climate of old lanes he makes them as his primary, thematical weave. It is not a dead landscape spotted with realistic details. Vice versa, in an unexpecting way he sharp dissonance of colours and vibration of lights which reveal its moody beauty. There is something of the atmosphere of the old Dutch masters and simultaneously something of the surrealistic poetry in his painting, although he uses completely modern means of expressions.
Piwarski´s compositions are distinguished by their simplicity and clear construction. They are painted with a view to the internal equilibrium of shapes. But it is only an apparent harmony. It is disarranged by the contrasty spread of colours and gradation, as well as by fluctuation of value relief. Deep twilights and intensive lights, hot and cold colours, matt and polished parts, smooth and strongly relief surfaces are very contiguous.
Piwarski is a sensitive colourist using a vast scale of colours and surprising by his artistic effects of structure. Elaborated in their shades whites and the rich scale of azures from the manganese to Prussian blue are the integral and characteristic parts of his palette. The applied complex of formal means and the unique atmosphere of his painting contain easily distinguished character. In a strange way it joins together intimacy ensuing from his type of landscape with dramatic contents, so typical to art of our century.
Piwarski´s artistic way characterizes the consequent development. In a relatively short time he specified the style of his painting basing on sincerity of expressions and fidelity of his own creative vision.

From the catalogue: Andrzej Jan Piwarski – Gallery Eternelle – STOCKHOLM