On August 19, 2015 year in the Stadthalle Münster was opened an exhibition of paintings by Andrzej Piwarski. The author presented the 12 paintings from the series “Traces – Hopes.” The exhibition was held within the project “Memory of the Past for Future Generations in Europe – 35 years of Solidarność”.
The project was carried out by the Commission Inter-Workers Education and Education in Gdansk with the participation of Polish-German Cooperation Foundation and the Union of European Federalists in Lodz.
At the opening he was invited as guest of honor Andrzej Piwarski – painter, graphic artist, activist Polonia, who came with his wife Barbara Ur – Piwarską (also painter).
Exhibition was opened by Chairman of the Committee on Inter-Workers Education and Education in Gdansk Bozena Brauer, who presented the silhouette artistic creators.
Andrzej Piwarski very emotionally told the audience at the opening of his artistic activity – the first solo exhibition was held was in Münster in 1974. He referred to the presented twelve images. “These images are shocking and also very painful record of moving moments of our nation. You can watch the tragic scene, full of pain, knowing that it is they open the hope of a better life. Living in another world. Living in a free Poland.
The artist known in European salons showed a fragment of his work related to the nascent movement of solidarity and the period of martial law.
Andrzej Piwarski was also very involved in community activities – participated in many symposia and demonstrations against martial law in Poland, and to the nations oppressed by the communist regimes. The artist known in European salons showed a fragment of his work related to the nascent movement of solidarity and the period of martial law.